Crate tiled

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tiled = "0.10.3"

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A crate for reading TMX (map) and TSX (tileset) files from the Tiled Map Editor into Rust. It provides a huge set of features as well as a strong wrapper over internal features such as GIDs.

Documentation is available on

Code contributions are welcome as are bug reports, documentation, suggestions and criticism.

The minimum supported TMX version is 0.13.


use tiled::Loader;

fn main() {
    let mut loader = Loader::new();
    let map = loader.load_tmx_map("assets/tiled_base64_zlib.tmx").unwrap();
    println!("{:?}", map);
    println!("{:?}", map.tilesets()[0].get_tile(0).unwrap().probability);
    let tileset = loader.load_tsx_tileset("assets/tilesheet.tsx").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(*map.tilesets()[0], tileset);


assets/tilesheet.png by Buch

Licenced under MIT


Part of an infinite tile layer’s data.
Part of an InfiniteTileLayer. This is the only map-wrapped type that has a Wrapper suffix. This will change in a later version.
Represents a RGBA color with 8-bit depth on each channel.
A cache that identifies resources by their path in the user’s filesystem.
A TileLayer with a defined bound (width and height).
The raw data of a FiniteTileLayer. Does not include a reference to its parent Map.
A structure describing a frame of a TMX tile animation.
A group layer, used to organize the layers of the map in a hierarchy. Also see the TMX docs.
The raw data of a GroupLayer. Does not include a reference to its parent Map.
A reference to an image stored somewhere within the filesystem.
A layer consisting of a single image. Also see the TMX docs.
The raw data of an ImageLayer. Does not include a reference to its parent Map.
A TileLayer with no bounds, internally stored using Chunks.
The raw data of a InfiniteTileLayer. Does not include a reference to its parent Map.
A generic map layer, accessed via Map::layers().
The raw data of a Layer. Does not include a reference to its parent Map.
An instance of a Tile present in a TileLayer.
Stores the internal tile gid about a layer tile, along with how it is flipped.
A type used for loading Maps and Tilesets.
All Tiled map files will be parsed into this. Holds all the layers and tilesets.
Wrapper over an ObjectData that contains both a reference to the data as well as to the map it is contained in.
Raw data belonging to an object. Used internally and for tile collisions.
Also called an “object group”. Used for storing Objects in a map.
Raw data referring to a map object layer or tile collision data.
Points to a tile belonging to a tileset.
Raw data belonging to a tile.
A collection of tiles for usage in maps and template objects.
Stores the data of the Wang color.
The Wang ID, stored as an array of 8 u8 values.
Raw data belonging to a WangSet.
Stores the Wang ID.


Errors which occured when parsing the file
Represents some kind of map layer.
A structure describing an Object’s shape.
Represents the way tiles are laid out in a map.
Represents a custom property’s value.
A map layer containing tiles in some way. May be finite or infinite.
Wang set’s terrain brush connection type.


A trait identifying a data type that holds resources (such as tilesets) and maps them to a ResourcePath to prevent loading them more than once. Normally you don’t need to use this type yourself unless you want to create a custom caching solution to, for instance, integrate with your own. If you simply want to load a map or tileset, use the Loader type.

Type Definitions

A custom property container.
A reference type that is used to refer to a resource. For the owned variant, see ResourcePathBuf.
An owned type that is used to refer to a resource. For the non-owned variant, see ResourcePath.
A result with an error variant of crate::Error.
A tile ID, local to a tileset.